Linux Compression: tar, gzip, and zip Commands Explained M Prashant 11:14 4 months ago 11 550 Далее Скачать
How to Archive Folders in Linux (tar and gzip tutorial) - Linux Crash Course Series Learn Linux TV 25:31 2 years ago 35 937 Далее Скачать
Linux Tutorial for Beginners - 10 - Compress and Extract tar and gz Files thenewboston 4:58 9 years ago 212 949 Далее Скачать
Linux Tutorials | Compressing and Archiving Files in Linux | tar and zip commands | GeeksforGeeks GeeksforGeeks 7:08 4 years ago 36 232 Далее Скачать
File Compression and Archiving with zip, gzip, bzip2 and tar : Linux Commands TechLair 7:16 10 years ago 19 455 Далее Скачать
Linux Terminal 201: How To Use tar, gzip, bzip2, and zip - HakTip 156 Hak5 11:32 7 years ago 21 355 Далее Скачать
Zip vs Tar.gz Files Explained and Compared (Archiving and the DEFLATE algorithm) Tony Tascioglu (TechnoTony) 16:32 2 years ago 10 994 Далее Скачать
Linux Commands 101 : Tar / GZ File Compression & Archive NixieDoesLinux 3:59 11 years ago 60 023 Далее Скачать
Linux Tutorial For Beginners - gzip, gunzip, tar commands TechLake 9:38 6 years ago 25 017 Далее Скачать
Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners 36 - tar command to Compress and Extract Files ProgrammingKnowledge 5:55 7 years ago 78 884 Далее Скачать
Archiving and Compression on Linux - Basic tar Commands tutoriaLinux 16:11 8 years ago 64 961 Далее Скачать
Linux - Tarballs, Archive and Compress Folders (tar) Eli the Computer Guy 12:16 5 years ago 15 186 Далее Скачать
Linux tar Command Tutorial with Examples: .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz Linux Training Academy 14:21 6 years ago 27 421 Далее Скачать
Linux Archive, Backup And Compress Utility (tar, Gzip, Bzip2, 7zip, Zip etc.) Part - 1 techytube 9:55 12 years ago 31 070 Далее Скачать
Learn About These Tools!! Compressing and Archiving Files in the Linux Console (tar, xz, bzip2, zip) SavvyNik 15:57 3 years ago 6 988 Далее Скачать
Linux Tutorials | Compressing and Archiving Files in Linux | tar and zip commands travel_fin 7:59 2 years ago 312 Далее Скачать
Shell Scripting Tutorial-21 Compress files & directories | TAR | Tech Arkit Tech Arkit 9:12 7 years ago 6 565 Далее Скачать
Linux Tutorial: 41 Creating and extracting compressed archive using tar and gzip Bogdan Stashchuk 7:46 4 years ago 884 Далее Скачать